
Visalia Rape Defense Attorneys

Experienced Defense in a Wide Range of Rape Cases

Rape is a serious felony offense that is punishable by three, six, or eight years in state prison. If the victim is a minor, the penalties may be increased to five, eight, or 10 years in prison. Additionally, a conviction for rape will require the defendant to register as a sex offender for life. This means that a conviction will severely restrict the defendant's freedom and ability to live a normal life. For this reason, it is imperative that you retain the legal advocacy of an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight your charges. At Schweitzer & Davidian, our Visalia rape defense attorneys have handled several cases and have earned numerous case results of "not guilty."

To learn more about your rights, contact our Visalia rape lawyers online or at (559) 206-2322.

What Is Rape in California?

Rape is defined under California Penal Code §26. It is illegal to have sexual intercourse with another person under any of the following circumstances:

  1. When the other person is incapable of giving consent because they are unconscious or asleep;
  2. When the other person is incapable of giving consent because they are mentally disabled or medically incapacitated;
  3. When the other person is unable to legally consent because they are under 18 years old;
  4. When the other person is forced to give consent by force, duress, or fear; or
  5. When the other person gives consent, but does so under physical force or duress.

How Our Firm Can Protect Your Rights

A proficient law firm can provide essential support and guidance to an individual facing rape charges. Firstly, they will work to see that the accused's rights are comprehensively protected throughout the legal process. The attorney will meticulously scrutinize the evidence brought forward, checking for any inconsistencies or procedural errors that could alter the course of the case. They may also look into the credibility of the accuser and scrutinize their past to identify any potential motives for false accusations. Lastly, the attorney can negotiate plea agreements or represent the accused in a court trial, deploying strong arguments aimed at creating reasonable doubt about the prosecution's case. It's important to remember that everyone deserves a fair trial, and a competent law firm will work to ensure this right is upheld.

Schweitzer & Davidian is here to help you. Call us at (559) 206-2322!

Powerful Defense You Can Depend On

Why Put Schweitzer Davidian on Your Side
  • Hablamos Español
    Spanish cases are welcome! Our firm provides bilingual legal services to accommodate the needs of our ESL clients.
  • A Client-Centered Firm
    We put our clients first above all else. You can feel confident knowing that we only take cases in which we know have a fair chance at justice.
  • Experienced Trial Attorneys
    Combined, our founding legal team has over 25 years of trial experience on the front-line, proving that we are more than qualified for your case.
  • 100% Devoted to the Accused
    Any defense attorney who claims to be a former prosecutor is a hypocrite. We have always known what side we are on - your side.