Visalia Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
Dedicated, Experienced, and Ready to Fight for You!
Have you been arrested or accused of a sexual offense? A conviction can be met with time in prison, substantial fines, and registration as a sex offender. With your future hanging in the balance, you need a firm in your corner with substantial experience handling these cases. You need advocates who understand what you’re going through and won’t back down from a legal fight. You need Schweitzer & Davidian. We know that there are two sides to every story, and our attorneys can fight to ensure that your voice is heard. An accusation isn’t the end of the line, it’s the beginning of your defense.
Put 25+ Years of Experience to Work for You!
Our team can act as a shield between you and overzealous prosecutors. We will review every aspect of your arrest carefully and conduct our own investigation to determine if your constitutional rights were violated. Our comprehensive knowledge of the laws related to sexual offenses allows us to identify when authorities have overstepped their boundaries or to identify prosecutors attempting to obtain a conviction with weak evidence. We are prepared to put the full weight of our firm behind your case.
The initial consultation is free so you have nothing to lose by speaking to us about your legal options.
Powerful Defense You Can Depend On
Why Put Schweitzer Davidian on Your Side-
Hablamos EspañolSpanish cases are welcome! Our firm provides bilingual legal services to accommodate the needs of our ESL clients.
A Client-Centered FirmWe put our clients first above all else. You can feel confident knowing that we only take cases in which we know have a fair chance at justice.
Experienced Trial AttorneysCombined, our founding legal team has over 25 years of trial experience on the front-line, proving that we are more than qualified for your case.
100% Devoted to the AccusedAny defense attorney who claims to be a former prosecutor is a hypocrite. We have always known what side we are on - your side.